Thursday, July 05, 2007


Το catalyst mag έχει αφιέρωμα στην πίστη και στην ταυτότητα:

In Just plain folk, philosopher Michael Neumann argues that North American religiosity is stifling inclusive ethnic identities that may be centred on religious traditions but do not necessarily require religious beliefs.

In Faith no more? Hamish Macpherson expounds on the virtues of secularism. Responding to the final report of the Commission for Integration and Cohesion, he argues that successful inter-faith dialogue depends upon the inclusion of non-religious groups.

And Dal Nun Strong writes In support of stereotypes, citing Canadian sitcom Little Mosque on the Prairie in his argument that there are attractions in conforming to ethnic and religious clichés.

Catalyst also has an exclusive extract from James Hopkin's debut novel Winter Under Water, a love story across different cultures and identities. Travelling to Poland to visit Marta, Joseph finds himself on the other side of language, in a place where everything feels slowed down, a world reduced to gestures.

Finally, this week's Spotlight looks at two controversial figures who have dominated recent headlines and commentaries. One, Bernard Manning, is dead, and some people appear to wish the other, the newly knighted Sir Salman Rushdie, would join him sooner rather than later.

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